Thursday, 21 October 2010

Turtles and Terrapins - Are They the Right Pet For You?

If you and your family are deciding on whether to buy a turtle or terrapin or not, then you are at the right article! It is definitely important that you understand and know the facts of owning and caring for these pets before buying them!

It is a little known fact that turtles and terrapins are different and have different needs.

- Turtles live in freshwater and oceans.

- Terrapins live in somewhat salty water.

If you are looking for a pet that lives a long time and doesn't need training, then these may be the perfect pet for you! They are fun to watch and care for as well. You have to be committed because turtles have a long lifespan. They can live for around 30 years! They cause little trouble and make wonderful pets.

Your turtle's habitat must contain both wet and dry sections, and the temperature must be well suited for your turtle to keep him happy and health for years to come! There are different types of turtles that need different types of habitats and care.

Provide your turtle with fresh, clean water in a shallow bowl and make sure he has a lot of fresh food suitable for him. These tips are very important for your pet's health! Do your research on what your type of turtle needs because some foods can be poisonous to your pet. Making sure the food are fresh or organic is also important.

Male and female turtles require different types of care, so you should understand hwo to tell the difference and how to care for them properly. It's important you read up and find out how to tell the difference between the genders of your turtle so you can care for it properly.

Most turtle owners don't realize that turtles and terrapins actually do need a lot of care. It's important to normally check your turtle for signs of any sicknesses and diseases. These can usually be discovered by problems with the turtle's shell. If you notice anything wrong with your turtle you should make an appointment at the veterinarian's office.

If you are going to adopt a turtle or terrapin -- congratulations! Make sure you do your research and know how to properly care for and handle your new pet! I'm sure that you will love having your turtle in your home and will find them to be wonderful pets!

Visit my blog for a great product on turtle care that every turtle owner should have!

* Emiiu

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