Sunday, 31 October 2010

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Sunday, 24 October 2010

The Terrapin Turtle - How to Buy a Turtle That's a Perfect Pet!

Turtle keeping is not an easy task! It is an endeavor that must be carefully planned, and you should try to have as much knowledge as possible prior to bringing home your new pet. There are several requirements for responsible turtle ownership, such as the provision of proper housing, nutrition, and temperature. Pet turtles may be cheap to purchase initially, but they are definitely not cheap to maintain! Some turtle species are very difficult to care for. You must also consider your family members too, and what their thoughts are about turtle care. After all, keeping a turtle is not that enjoyable if your loved ones are not amenable to it.

However, if you are truly serious about your plan to own a turtle, then you ought to look for a species that is easy to care for. The Terrapin Turtle is a top choice for beginners in turtle keeping.

You will discover that the terrapin is a naturally wonderful pet! This type does not require you to feed it on a daily basis, and most importantly, it has a very long life span, allowing you to enjoy your pet for many years. Make sure that your pet will be able to maximize its life span by providing it with the care and maintenance it needs.

Prior to purchasing your terrapin turtle, you must determine the correct size tank in which to house your pet. Bear in mind that small, young turtles will grow, and unless you want to buy another tank in a few months, it might be prudent to consider a larger tank that will eventually hold the adults comfortably. A good quality filtration system is imperative for the proper maintenance of sanitary and clean water. Invest in a quality aquarium heater, and make sure that you also provide a basking area for your pet.

Terrapins are amenable to hibernation, especially during the cold or winter season. Prepare yourself for this dormancy period of your pet terrapin by researching when and how to properly hibernate it, to avoid risking the life and health of your pet. Terrapins are prone to sickness, so make sure to give 100% in caring for them. You must make sure that your pet is fit and healthy, and does not have any injury or illness before you let it hibernate.

The terrapin is omnivorous, and feeds on earthworms, chicken, turkey, fish, beef,and liver. Make sure you balance its diet by providing it with fruits and vegetables, such as lettuce and cabbage, two to three times a week.

Safety is of the utmost importance in terms of properly handling your terrapin turtle pet. Make sure that you never let young children handle or hold the turtles, as they are potential carriers of salmonella, and can infect your kids with a serious ailment called salmonellosis. Separate the containers and other items you use for your pet, and always properly wash your hands before and after handling your turtle.

Keeping Terrapin Turtle pets is an extremely rewarding and enjoyable hobby, as long as you realize that they require proper care just like any other pets. Do some research and educate yourself by reading turtle guidebooks, and consult with veterinarians as necessary.

Karma Williams is a pet turtle care enthusiast who has raised turtles for over 23 years, and enjoys helping others get started in this amazing hobby. You can discover more by visiting the turtle hibernation and turtle types pages of her website. Her newest eBook entitled "The Ultimate Guide to Pet Turtle Care" teaches turtle lovers everything they need to know about acquiring, caring for, and feeding pet turtles so that they stay healthy, contented, and will thrive for years and years to come!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Turtles and Terrapins - Are They the Right Pet For You?

If you and your family are deciding on whether to buy a turtle or terrapin or not, then you are at the right article! It is definitely important that you understand and know the facts of owning and caring for these pets before buying them!

It is a little known fact that turtles and terrapins are different and have different needs.

- Turtles live in freshwater and oceans.

- Terrapins live in somewhat salty water.

If you are looking for a pet that lives a long time and doesn't need training, then these may be the perfect pet for you! They are fun to watch and care for as well. You have to be committed because turtles have a long lifespan. They can live for around 30 years! They cause little trouble and make wonderful pets.

Your turtle's habitat must contain both wet and dry sections, and the temperature must be well suited for your turtle to keep him happy and health for years to come! There are different types of turtles that need different types of habitats and care.

Provide your turtle with fresh, clean water in a shallow bowl and make sure he has a lot of fresh food suitable for him. These tips are very important for your pet's health! Do your research on what your type of turtle needs because some foods can be poisonous to your pet. Making sure the food are fresh or organic is also important.

Male and female turtles require different types of care, so you should understand hwo to tell the difference and how to care for them properly. It's important you read up and find out how to tell the difference between the genders of your turtle so you can care for it properly.

Most turtle owners don't realize that turtles and terrapins actually do need a lot of care. It's important to normally check your turtle for signs of any sicknesses and diseases. These can usually be discovered by problems with the turtle's shell. If you notice anything wrong with your turtle you should make an appointment at the veterinarian's office.

If you are going to adopt a turtle or terrapin -- congratulations! Make sure you do your research and know how to properly care for and handle your new pet! I'm sure that you will love having your turtle in your home and will find them to be wonderful pets!

Visit my blog for a great product on turtle care that every turtle owner should have!

* Emiiu

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Types of Turtles

The Eastern box turtle (or Terrapene Carolina Carolina), is a well known and beloved turtle from the hinged-shelled turtle family. They have a high dome shell and a hinged plastron which allows the total to close up their shell when they sink down inside. The coloration of these turtles is truly what sets them apart from other turtles. With brown, purple, white, blotches accompanied by yellow or orange patterns across their shell; another difference is that the males of this species has a red iris.

While their natural habitat comes from places such as Maine and Michigan; they have become increasingly popular as pets; thus causing them to be a frequent sighting in captivity and turtle rescues.

Unlike many other turtles, the Eastern box turtle tends to be a picky eater. Making it important for you to understand their eating habits, of which can be explained in greater depth by your local rescue. Some of these turtles are found to like things such as slugs, snails, earthworms, fruit, berries, vegetables.

The European pond turtle is a well-known turtle that comes from Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. They are also known as either the European pond terrapin or Emys Orbicularis (say that name ten times fast!).

This turtle is known throughout the turtle-loving community as a beautiful, friendly pet turtle.

The European pond turtle is a fairly slow-moving water turtle that lives in and around water. They are known to hibernate for up to seven months at the bottom of the water! Making it a trick to take care of these beautiful animals; causing them to not be the right turtle for a beginner.

They are a medium sized turtle, varying from five to eight inches in length and width. Their shell is a rich brown with spots of yellow and a tinge of green. The one drawback to these turtles is that they are a host to many different parasites. This makes it extremely important to have a vet near-by who specializes in turtles.

Freshwater turtles are well known to many turtle lovers throughout the world. Unfortunately, not many people have had the pleasure of seeing these beautiful creatures for themselves; even though they are abundant throughout the world. With that said, they make wonderful pets. Often times beating out some of your non-aquatic turtles for spots in a home.

The freshwater turtle's population is greatest in the southeastern United States. This is one of the hot-spots where their diversity is rivaled by few other turtle species (or types). Unfortunately, despite their abundant numbers; they are threatened due to over-harvesting of their natural habitat; thus, making it important to help these beautiful turtles by conserving their habitat.

There are many different types of freshwater turtles around the world. However, there are a few that are extremely popular as pets. Some of these turtles are:

Yellowbelly Turtle

River Cooter

Florida Cooter

Chicken Turtle

Florida Softshell Turtle

Spiny Softshell Turtle

Common Snapping Turtle

The Mexican Musk Turtle (or the Staurotypus Triporcatus) is a type of turtle that comes from the Kinosternidae group. They are found primarily in places such as Mexico, Honduras, Belize, and Guatemala.

These beautiful turtles are distinguished by the three keels that run up the length of their carapace. Their shell and overall body can grow to become one of the larger forms of turtles which have become pets for many.

While many people consider them to be wonderful pets, they aren't suggested for homes with children. Not only do they have a tendency to carry salmonella like almost all turtles; they are prone to have aggressive dispositions as well, making them more likely to bite you during feeding time.

These animals will need expert care and should not be owned by beginners. If you choose to adopt a Mexican Musk Turtle from your local rescue; make sure to have a near-by turtle specialist available to answer any of your questions.

At Aquatic Turtle Supplies you will find all your aquarium supply needs. Learn all the needed information to start your own exotic aquarium. Here you will also have access to turtle breeding information, aquarium heaters, food, and cleaning instructions for your personal or commercial aquarium. From southern painted turtles to red ear sliders, you will find everything you need for your aquatic pet needs.